martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Mythos & Music: Abused Majesty

Abused Majesty 
Serpenthrone (2004 LP)

1.A Dream of Sleeping Warriors

2.The Path of Sword

3.Reviving of the Master of the Dead

4.The Crown of the Serpentine King

5.The Fall of Black Fortress

6.A Burning Army

7.Upon the Throne of Serpents

8.Ravens Brought Them Victory

9.The Inferno that Took His Life

10.Epilogue - A Prophecy: Fall of the Last Temple of Time

 Man Created God in His Own Image (2008 LP)

10. Serpenthrone

we were the fire, that devoured all
carrions, the brood of man, bended their necks
we were the thunder, unequalled
in our rule life and death (united with the spirits)

Nine spirits of the fourth corner
were mighty inside the trapezoid
a torture for the damned, a wreath for the wicked
walking the Earth with stings of fury


enough strength, to burn it all
indivisibly carrying scepter above
enough strength, to destroy it all
dividing cord and the blade between


so hearken my voice
as I granted you form and power
and your works shall be a honorable canto
and glory for the Lord in creation

at my throne they crawled like snakes
begging for mercy, vermin of the Earth
(in shadow of his might
will they pray for ages)


we were the fire, that devoured all
carrions, the brood of man, bended their necks
many souls followed their own path, (alluring but without return)
others gave away themselves to the Primeval Lord of the Earth.

Mythos & Music: Absolute Grief

Absolute Grief
Absolute Grief (2002 LP)

5. Nécronomica

Bedtime Story

Mythos & Music: Abscession

Death Incarnate (2010 demo)

 3. Litany of the Serpent God

I have seen the skies of old
Wandered the lands aeons ago

Where I tread the dead will rise
Fire rain down from the skies
Scorching the earth
Ending all life
Bringer of darkness
Lord of demise
Flesh will rot, blood shall boil
Thousandfold your mortal coil
Eternal death, your reward
Litany of the serpent god

Ancient is no word for me
I'm older than the timeless sea
Reveling in misery
Causing death and anarchy

Guard your tongue
Oh insolent slave
The serpent god
Is calling your name
In his glory
Your blood will be spilled
An ancient prophecy
Shall be fulfilled

I have seen the skies of old
Wandered the lands aeons ago

Time itself is younger than I
Ere I leave even death will die
For I am the balance
The altar of life
Upon which all worlds
Must be sacrificed

Where I tread
The dead will rise
Come down from the skies
Scorching the earth
Ending all life
Bringer of darkness
Lord of demise

Insects kneel to me
Praise me in revelry
Darkness I'll give to thee
For all eternity

Mythos & Music: Abraas


Christian HoloCaust (2000 demo)

1. Intro - Ritus Nyarlathotep

Mythos & Music: Aborted Jesus

Aborted Jesus
Carnival of Gonorrhea (2007 LP)

16. Necronomicon Bedtime Story

Carefully fill out the job application
Ignore the section about my past convictions
My plan has worked, I am now employed
At the local day care center

First day at work, I'll read them a story
To soothe their minds before nap time
And so I recite from the Necronomicon
Unleashing undead among the children!
All right! Hot damn!

I flee the building to save my own life
And peer through the window at the carnage
Toddlers are torn to hundreds of pieces
Blood now mixes with their milk and crayons

After work, you get in your SUV
I crouch behind a bush across the street
I watch you pull into the lot
I giggle and then defecate just a bit
Oh man!

You open the door to the day care center
Oh, such a surprise in store for you
As you watch you precious child
Eviscerated by a demonic entity

Mythos & Music: Aberrancy

Against Sun Society (2009 LP)

8. Ktulhu Fall In The Deepest Abyss Of Hell

Mythos & Music: 17Days

17Days  (fan site)
Recreating the World in Seventeen Days (2004 LP)

2. The Faceless One
You are the Faceless One/you live beyond, beyond the sun
You are the Immortal One/because you are all, all and none
Rip my face, mold my flesh, give me back my real eyes
Rip my flesh, mold my face, give me back my real mouth
Teach me life, Teach me death, show me how became the smiling child
I’ve never seen the world around us
I’ve always seen the cage we’ve built up
Though in some moments lost in time
I’ve touched the truth in dreams or in youth
You are the mystic hermaphrodite,
Spiked chains and sharp razors are by your side
You came to mold our flesh in a new form of life
A force unbound, a force of free will
Bring me the total absence of light
Bring me the total absence of dark
So I’ll be able to see world
True colors to paint my life
Come… come…
Come… come…
Rape my soul
Provoke my inner-self
Devour my believes and violate my pride
Give me the supreme orgasm
And lead me to the utopian independence
Come… come… come…
Come… come… come…
Come… come… come…
Free me from my chains
give me the Ignorance
So I can learn again
Clean me to the bones
Kill preconceptions
I’ll be the newborn child
Tell me all the lies
The rotten fortress
Smash down what we’ve create
Show me all the truth
There is no truth
But in the children eyes

H. P. Lovecraft - Night-Gaunts

Mythos & Music: A Long Forgotten Power

A Long Forgotten Power
What Lurks Beyond the Gates (2009 demo)

1. The Night-Gaunt's Flight
2. Earth Dirge
3. A Call from the Chasm
4. The Chosen
5. The Magnum Innominandum
6. Behold Yog-Sothoth Before the Gate

2. Earth Dirge

The velvet curtain of time is torn
The cage is bent
The winds now only mourn

4. The Chosen

We gather in a circle, and stand before the chasm
We cast not a shadow, holding torches high in vain
We embrace the mist, throw our torches in the void
We bring about the endtime, vow the earth to be destroyed

Father rises proudly from the world's end
Mankind writhing like filth in his caring hand
Father has the keys, he's returned from the dead
to bring his sons to victory, and bring men to an end...

Brothers disregard your robes, cast down your damned disguise
He read from the book and proudly fell, he met the father's eyes

5. The Magnum Innominandum

Return from the stars!

6. Behold Yog-Sothoth Before the Gate

The crystalline stars we once called father
fall from the heavens In great storms of flame
made of black-green filth, bringing horrors unseen
Teaching men new madness, sowing chaos

The sky lit nebula twists and tear
the great one inches through
slime and madness bringing horror
unknown bodies, new stars, a new sun

Yog-Sothoth slithers into the world
our dead world, brought back to life
through magics and unreality