lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Mythos & Music: Artrach


Faceless God (2004 demo)

1. Deliverance

2. Dawn Of Terror

3. Faceless God

4. Mystery Of Death

5. Trapped

3. Faceless God

Sometimes… in my blackest memories.
Long time ago… still haunting me.

Out there… on the desert plains.
Far beyond… my wildest fears.

Long time ago now,
a visionaire once told me,
of all he has seen,
of long forgotten histories.

One of them struck me,
and caught me in fascination.
A tale of the horrors,
enchanted land of mysteries.

Roaming through the desert,
‘til a sandstorm had stopped me.
The ruins were revealed,
of a temple buried for centuries.

Entering the ruins,
a dark force was awakened,
arising from his grave,
to bring his reign of cruelty.

The Faceless God…
The Faceless God…

Through endless plains,
I’m on the run, beneath the sun.
A sun that is scorching my mind!
The Faceless One,
is chasing me, hunting me.
How can I ever escape him?

A sense of mortal danger,
as I stared into his eyes.
Shrinking with fear,
in front of this monstrosity.

Escaping the temple,
getting lost in those wastelands,
I ran for my life,
away from those atrocities.

The Faceless God…
The Faceless God…

Through endless plains,
I’m on the run, beneath the sun.
A sun that is scorching my mind!
The Faceless One,
is chasing me, hunting me.
How can I ever escape him?

Through endless plains,
I’m on the run, beneath the sun.
A sun that is scorching my mind!
The Faceless One,
is chasing me, hunting me.
How can I ever escape him?

Mythos & Music: Arsenius


Opus MCXIII (2010 EP)

1. Invirtiendo el Armagedon

2. Necronomicon

3. Apostata

4. Retorno al Culto Pagano

5. Mortification Blood Red Razor Blade (Impaled Nazarene Cover)

2. Necronomicon


En el desierto escarlata
Entre locura y cenizas
Él se presento
Entre las estrellas fijas
Y la metafísica astral
Él se reveló
Corpus Corax
Codex Esmeralda
Elí Elí Lemá Sabactaní


Herético y demonólatra
Hijo del Sol y la Luna
Opúsculo infame


Opúsculo infame,
De artes diabólicas
La tierra miera y siente
A través de tus brujos
Y no habrá que olvidar
Que no esta muerto


Lo que yace eternamente,
En los eones por venir
Aun la muerte,
Puede morir

Mythos & Music: Amoricide


Storm of Violence (2011 LP)

1. Slasher
2. Metalmorphosis
3. Cesspool
4. Amoricide
5. Row of Caskets
6. Eye of the Storm
7. Left for Dead
8. Unspeakable
9. Linguistic Rapists
10. Descendants of Ashes
11. The Order of Dagon

11. The Order of Dagon

Welcome to the home of the blackest hell
A decrepit old town with a rotten smell
The fish always bite but the rain won't cease
Just make the sacrifice and stay away from Devil Reef
The people are possessed by a blight obscene
As time passes by they speak by only gurgling
When the gills have grown and it's time to move on
Return to Mother Hydra and the Father Dagon

Secrecy, loyalty, breeding insanity
Loathsome, unwholesome, proliferate the Innsmouth Look

The unblinking eyes and their roughly skinned necks
Now cause my skin to crawl and my mind to be vexed
The only sanity comes from the drunkard of the town
He tells me of dark rituals and citizens' crown
Later on that evening as I try to fall asleep
I am petrified to realize someone's after me
Busting through the doors, jumping to the streets below
Descend into unknown horror none should ever know

The Order of Dagon, Innsmouth's blasphemy
Perverted grace, follow the deep ones

Greyish green color, their stomachs, the palest white
Staring, emotionless faces, unflinching eyes
Croaking and moaning their voices, so horrible
Hateful, this vision, these creatures deplorable
Ghoulish, unnerving, this evil without restraint
Torment, of terror, my senses begin to fade

The Order of Dagon, Innsmouth's monstrosities
Abhorrent grace, return to the sea

As I awaken nearly at the end of night
There is no one else around but that doesn't ease my fright
The cobblestone streets are decaying like the air
I'm finally escaping from depravity's lair
Authority won't realize what I've said is true
Locking me away forever, if they only knew
Alone I wait in asylum, madness taking hold
I can find my last salvation hanging from a rope

Atrocious, odius, malignant absurdity
Lunacy, lucidity, I see the Deep Ones in my dreams

Mythos & Music: Arkhum


Anno Universum (2010 LP)

1. Appellation

2. Grief Urchin

3. Obviated Geocentrism

4. Obsolescent Husk

5. Bloodgutter Encircling

6. Officious Hoverer At L-Point 2

7. Nilpulse

8. Expendable Biomass

5. Bloodgutter Encircling

Ebon horns herald the onset/ Of the third age of despair/ Eldritch forms scorch mountainsides/ With their dread stellar hooves/ The firmament shudders with all the madness/ Of extrasolar conquest/ Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!/ I can't see/ Through this fever dream/ I can see/ Through this fever dream.

Olalain Linal Tutulu (2011 EP)

1. Olalain Linal Tutulu

2. Bloodgutter Encircling (Beta Project Remix)

3. Bloodgutter Encircling (2011 Mix)

Mythos & Music: The Arkham White

The Arkham White

Relic Radiation (2009 EP)

1. Relic Radiation

2. At a Geometric Rate

3. I Looked into the Atom Smasher

4. Offense Mechanism

5. At the Mountains of Madness

Mythos & Music: Arkham Witch

Arkham Witch 

Demo 2009 (2009 demo)

1. Arkham Witch

2. Let England Prevail

3. Suicide 75

4. The Kraken

5. Legions of the Deep

6. Hyades

On Crom's Mountain (2011 LP)

1. Battering Ram

2. The Lord of R'lyeh

3. Burn the Witch

4. The Phantom Bowmen

5. Dagon's Bell

6. March for War

7. Waterfront Fists

8. The Necromancer

9. Viking Pirates of Doom

10.  Crom's Mountain

2. The Lord of R'lyeh

The strangest rumblings, underground
That old crow Titus, he knows the sound
Three thousand miles, across the sea
Something stirring, the legions deep!

Cthulhu rises from his grave
The Lord of R'lyeh lives again
That not dead, eternal lie
And with strange eons, even death may die!

Once saw the horror, made from clay
And cherished madness, ´til this dark day
Now after a million, sleeping years
We all shall realise, our deepest fears

A shape immortal, a dreaming god
Tentacled horror, raise pseudopod
And ive the hail, dark rage unfurled
Servants of Chaos - to take the worlds!

A sunken city beneath the waves
A hungry horror - destruction craves
A Strange dimension, an outer dark
Ye gods of evil, this power hark

Upon the surface, Cthulhu rise
And once acknowledged, the fear dies
Through Arkham madness, and lunacy
In gibbous frenzy - we are free!


5. Dagon's Bell
Grey sombre bell
Tolling weird foglight
Follow to dwell
In the weeds of her caress

Gold in her hair
The priestess is calling
In darkness she glows
In dark spectral bethel

Submarine churches
Order esoteric
Mother Hydra´s spell
Coiling in old father Dagon´s Bell

Brooding fishhead
Chthonic scholar
Moontide philosopher

My body bursts and swells
in unknown calling
Transformed into
Oily wrath of the sea

Submarine churches
Order esoteric
Mother Hydra´s spell
Coiling in old father Dagon´s bell

10. Crom's Mountain

I have lived a varied life but never gave
Quarter to any man, nor been a slave
Made many journeys from my homeland
Now, across the border of death I stand

Lightning strikes!
Biting through mist and shadow, Raven's wings!
Beat darkly in the gloom, Grim corpses!
Surround him on his iron throne
A heavy hand! Hammers down my doom!

On Crom's Mountain!

I was a mere boy, when as a man I stood
To repel invaders from our land of woods
I cleaved many a skull, before my sixteenth year
A long and bloody path has brought me here


I grant thee a boon now warrior stand,
To rejoin the world of men,
To venture forth in the realm beyond,
To reap more souls for Mount Crom.

Your passion be fire, and your will be ice
I give you your strength and that will suffice
Trust not women, nor wizards, nor gods
Never give up, whatever the odds


And so, I was born again, born on the battlefield, son of a blacksmith!

So Crom did grant my fate to the Steadfast Ones
Eternal Lord of Mist
To have my name bound in their iron book
Was yet to be my heritage
I'm Alive!

Mythos & Music: Arkham (Fra)

Arkham (Fra)  

Obscurs et Éternels (1996 demo)

1. Blood is Life

2. The Haunter of the Dark

3. Live Evil

4. Seasons of the Underworld

Promo-Tape 1897 (1997 demo)

1. Interdimensional Spheres

2. Dreams in the Witch-House

3. The Other Gods

Rehearsal 97 (1997 demo)

1. Dagon

2. Le Témoignage de Randolph Carter

3. L'abomination de Dunwich

4. Outro

5. The Other Gods

1. Dagon

...Et sous le silence d'une lune blafarde, j'ai fermé les yeux sur un étrange horizon...

...I know not why my dreams were so wild that night But ere, the waning and fantastically gibbous moon had risen far above the eastern plain. I was awake in a cold perspiration determinate to sleep no more...

Then suddenly I saw it... I think I went mad then.

The end is near. I hear a noise at the door, as of some immense slippery body lumbering against it. It shall not find me. God, that hand! The window! The window!

2. Le Témoignage de Randolph Carter

La dalle une fois enlevée, une sombre ouverture se révéla, d'où s'échappèrent des gaz et des miasmes si nauséabonds que saisis d'horreur, nous bondîmes en arrière [...]

Dans le silence de cette cité de la mort, blanche et déserte, mon esprit concevait les plus horribles fantaisies, les plus horribles illusions. Tandis que les tombeaux et les monolithes bizarres semblaient s'imprégner d'une personnalité hideuse [...]

Maudites soient ses choses infernales... Légions!... Mon dieu! ... Barrez-vous! Barrez-vous!

3. L'abomination de Dunwich

Nor is it to be thought than man is either the oldest or the last of earth's masters [...]
H.P. Lovecraft -1928-

Yog-Sothoth connaît la porte,
Yog-Sothoth est la porte
Yog-Sothoth est la clé et le gardien de la porte
Passé, présent, futur, tous sont un en Yog-Sothoth

...Negotium perambulans in tenebris...

Wilbur! , ton père vengera ta triste mort,
Les anciens, ton frère et ceux du dehors!
Et, quand sur le haut de la colline,
Les cris de ton frère retentiront.......

5. The Other Gods

''The moon is dark, and the gods dance in the night;
there is terror in the sky, for upon the moon hath sunk an eclipse foretold in no books of men or of earth's gods... There is unknown magic on Hatheg-Kla, for the screams of the frightened gods have turned to laughter, and the slopes of ice shoot up endlessly into the black heavens wither I am plunging...

Hey! Hey! At last! In the dim light I behold the gods of earth!''

Arkham / Nuit Noire (1999 split)

1. Arkham - Interdimensionnal Spheres

2. Arkham - Dreams in the Witch-House

3. Arkham - The Other Gods

4. Nuit Noire - The Castle

5. Nuit Noire - La Crypte

6. Nuit Noire - Haunting Shadows

Malédiction (2000 demo) 

1. Le Témoignage de Randolph Carter

2. The Haunter of the Dark

3. L'Abomination de Dunwich

4. The Other Gods

5. L'Appel de Cthulhu

6. Night Gaunts

7. Dagon

8. La Pierre Noire

2. The Haunter of the Dark

I see things I never knew before
Other worlds and other galaxies
The lightning seems dark,
The darkness seems light...

I have seen the dark universe yawning
Were the black planets roll without aim-
Were they roll in their horror unheeded,
Without knowledge or lustre or name

Sense of distance gone
Far is near and near is far
No light- No glass- That tower- Window!
I am it and it is I...

I see it - coming here - hell wind - titan blue - black wings - Yog-Sothoth save me! (Azathoth have mercy)

Ô! , Palpables ténèbres, infini tombeau où mes pensées s'égarent!
Ô! , Insondables abysses, où le Chaos défait le néant,
Faîtes que mon âme perdue, puisse dans vos secrets jeter un regard
Et fuir par le rêve cette vie qui me ment...
Et toi, stupide aveugle tu me laisses seul!
Pourtant je suis le poète maudit qui chante tes louanges.
Ô, Infâme tragédie déchirant mon linceul!
Mais un jour, Azathoth, le Chaos, ton royaume
S'étendra comme jadis : Folie, Ténèbres et Mort!

5. L'Appel de Cthulhu 
''That is not dead wich eternal lie,
and with some strange aeons even death may die.'' A. Al Azred

''...In the elder time chosen men had talked with the entombed Old Ones in dreams, but the great stone city R'lyeh, had sunk beneath the waves, and the deep waters.(...)

... But memory never died, and the city would rise again when the stars were right.
Then came out of the earth the black spirits of earth, mouldy and shadowy, and full of dim rumours pick(ed) up in caverns beneath forgotten sea-bottoms... ''

Ô Cthulhu!

6. Night Gaunts

Out of what crypt they crawl, I cannot tell,
But every night I see the rubbery things,
Black, horned, and slender, with membranous wings,
And tails that bear the bifid barb of hell.
They come in legions on the north wind's swell,
With obscene clutch that titillates and stings,
Snatching me off on monstrous voyagings
To grey worlds hidden deep in nightmare's well.

Over the jagged peaks of Thok they sweep,
Heedless of all the cries I try to make,
And down the nether pits to that foul lake
Were the puffed shoggoths splash in doubtful sleep.
But oh! If only they would make some sound ,
Or wear a face where faces should be found!

H.P. Lovecraft
From Fungi from Yuggoth (XX)

8. La Pierre Noire 

De noires créatures des Temps Anciens, dit on,
Se tiennent encore cachées
En des recoins obscurs et des mondes oubliés,
Et en certaines nuits, des portes s'ouvrent encore, pour libérer
Des formes que l'enfer renfermait.
- J.Geoffrey -

J'ouvris les yeux sur aube encore blanche
Et, toujours le monolithe se dressait,
Haut et silencieux.
Les danseurs ici avaient bondis et hurlés,
Du sang avait coulé au pied de cette pierre,
Sacrifice ignoble, souffrances juvéniles.
Mais nulle marque sombre, nuls caillots de sang!

Rêve maudit, atroce réalité?
Spectres impurs d'époques lointaines.
Ignoble fragment, tu n'es qu'un clef!
Sois maudite, sombre pierre,
Toi aussi, Ô triste lune!

Ils dansent,
Ils dansent autour de la pierre!
Ils dansent,
Ils dansent autour de la pierre noire!

Chapter III, The Madness from the Sea (2004 EP)

1. The Call of Cthulhu

2. Nemesis I

3. Dagon

4. Quelque Chose...

2. Nemesis I

Par delà les portes du sommeil gardées par les goules
Après les abîmes de la nuit à la lune blafarde
J'ai vécu des vies sans nombres
J'ai sondé du regard toutes choses
Et je me débat et je crie jusqu'au lever du jour
Poussé à la folie par l'épouvante.

J'ai dérivé sur des océans sans fin
Sous des sinistres cieux aux nuages gris
Que déchiraient les complexes éclairs
Qui résonnaient des cris hystériques
Des gémissements de démons invisibles
Surgissants des eaux verdâtres.

H.P. Lovecraft

4. Quelque Chose... 

Depuis tant d'années j'espérais ce moment
J'ai trop rêvé de cette chose dans ce cercle infernal
Et dans cette maison je l'ai trouvé,
Je sens le vide autour de moi, je deviens le vide!
Au dela des dernières portes de la folie elle m'attend.
Les ténèbres et la lumière, le temps et l'espace
Dans toutes les dimensions, dans les multivers
Le chaos et le néant se sont réunis et je m'avance.

Là où le sombre est plus que le noir
Là où rien est quelque chose
Et le sombre est plus clair que la lumière
Cela fût, cela avait toujours été là.
Car son monde est un monde plus noir que le noir
Et plus sombre que le sombre absolu.

Je ne désire plus que l'oubli.