lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011

Mythos & Music: April Ethereal

April Ethereal         

Al Azif (2004 LP)

1. Al Azif

2. The Shadow of Nyarlathotep

3. Behind the Wings of Cthulhu

4. In the Strange High House in the Mist

5. Angel of Light

6. July Afternoon

1. Al Azif

On a sun burned plain
Where the thousand years sand hid the ruins
Of the city of columns where
No man has ever lived
I stand in the middle of the circle of salt
I draw with my crow claw
The name of the ancients
Who are remembered only by the time

In the name of Nyarlathotep
I conjure Yog Sothoth
"The one who lives among shadows"
To show me the way
I tremble seeing how the eye of the moon
Uncovers pale stumps of the ancient city
Like claws of the gigantic corpse
Shining venomous glare of decay

I fall on my face, in the middle of the circle
I twist and twine in pain
Something stitched my bowels
Like oil, was poured into my bones
Heaven was covered by the misty glow
Stinking and cold - unimaginabily evil
"The one who has no name" noticed me
From behind the abyss of time and the angles of space...

I heard the hum of worms
And the flapping of millions of small wings
I know that my time is running out
Becuse "The one who has no name" leads me...
For my name is Abdul Alhazred
And I wrote down the names of unknown creatures
I will be cursed by nations and gods
As long as the human race thinks that it rules the world... 

2. The Shadow of Nyarlathotep

He is beside skulked not hidden
He looks and listens for the omen of the right time
To open the gates for them...
He is not a guard of the gate
He is a silver key
Time and space are his poisoned arms
He is the essence of the old gods
Everything and one - Nyarlathotep

In wisdom and madness of the ancient Arab
His true name is buried
And christened by the blood of millions unknown races
It is a stigma of evil in the ocean of the Universe
I got to know his mystery
Living messenger of gods
Who can see with our eyes
Dreams our dreams
Breathes the same air...

He became a human assuming the form strange to his nature

Stepped down among humans
He is everyone and he is in everyone
Close is the time
When the human hands
Will uncover twisted, sparrow-hawkâ's claws
And at night, in the mist tangled by the poisoned wind
He will find the gates older than the human race
Behind which, the tangles of Azathoth twist...

...he departs to his branch
The black emperor of not extinguished flames
In the smoke of incense, among the whispers of priests
The stigma of his name will remain marked
Pronouncing his blasphemous name
You make him present
Beware, beware, then he will see you

Only the engravings tainted by his shadow remained
In the ruins of forgotten cities
Hidden in the desert sands
And in the abysses of the deepest oceans
The frosty Kadath called him
Out there, he awaits the time
When the Earth will be young again

3. Behind the Wings of Cthulhu

Through the night howl in the sky
Through the hoof-beats of thunders
In the cry of the unborn child
In the shadow of the past
Beyond the thin line of the horizon
Beyond the most daring visions of poets

The myth that reached the verges of everything was born

Ate the gods and cast the shadow over the universe
And in its shade was born again
Being absent, it wanders among us
Dwells in every atom of the world
Deludes minds and souls
Of the sensitive creatures that call themselves
Its chosen ones

Now, it is a source of knowledge for us
Showing us the way we will walk on
Pointing the goals we want to achieve
In the shadow of its membrane wings
As long as the abysses of the ocean
and curved spaces of the universe
Remain undiscovered mystery
So long as he remains the first god in the pantheon

When you will see a phantom shadow
In the night sky beware
Even if it is only a dream
You will recognize him seeing his washed away, full of tentacles face
And the pair of membrane wings
Which will tuck in the night and the world and you
It will be the time of the awakening
Of the great Cthulhu

4. In the Strange High House in the Mist

I got through the wood with difficulty and I climbed the steep peak to reach this place. On a loft of The Strange, High House in the Mist I found the fragments of many books. Rotten pages that turned yellow and time also didn't spare its breath. In the candlelight I turned half faded pages full of strange signs and words in a language bearing no resemblance to any of human ones. It was early when I began to watch the signs but when I opened the window to feel the sea-breeze I saw darkness and a winking eye of the full moon. It's time to go. I thought, when suddenly my eyes spotted a rotten page on the floor. It was as if older than the rest, filled with writing in even more unearthly language. A few sketches were there too. They looked at me in a strange way. Like bugs. Having grabbed that page from the century old dust, I looked at it carefully and I understood every word. Maybe because the air became heavier. I've seen those signs before although in my dizziness it seemed it was a million years ago. I fell on my knees, staring blankly at the yellow-gray, stiff page. I saw peaks covered by snow, the whole mountain massif topped with Cyclop like buildings, flying creatures with membrane wings and shoggoths emerging from festering seas. Spires of unfamiliar cities, strange trees and conscious plants. I saw all of that disappearing in depths of the ocean. Being on the verge of madness, I turned the pile of the old pages like a sleepwalker. What was before? What was after? The first ray of sunlight got through the open window. It hit and restored my consciousness. It was just a moment, but long enough to abandon that side, to escape far, far away from that madness and never to return again. Many times I described The Strange, High House in the Mist to the local old men, but they all claimed that it doesn't exist. Only the one with one eye whispered to my ear that on that difficult of access mountain-side, on a feast-day, unfamiliar sounds can be heard, strange brightness can be seen in the sky. And his ancestor is thought to mention something about the strange, high house in the mist.


Mythos & Music: Apoplexy (Svk)

Apoplexy (Svk) 

Dysmorphophobia (1993 demo)

1. Reanimation (Intro)

2. Through Dying

3. Before Suicide

4. Hidden Infection

5. Distress

6. Whispering Gods

7. Empire of Children Tears (Outro)

Mythos & Music: Apoplexy (Fra)

Apoplexy (Fra) 

Life, Thoughts & Destiny (2000 LP)

1. Life,Thoughts & Destiny

2. Beerfly

3. Endanger your Mind

4. That is not dead ...

5. The examplary Father

6. Distorted Reincarnation

7. Silence ...

8. Vaginal Succion

9. Summoning

10. ... of Flesh and Steel

Mythos & Music: Apophis


I Am Your Blindness (2005 LP)

1. Mount To Redeem

2. Sick At Heart

3. Welcome To My World

4. Extinct Life

5. That's Why I've Killed You

6. Reanimation

Mythos & Music: Apocryphal

Apocryphal (Fra) 

From Depths (1995 demo)

1. Stella (Intro)

2. From Depths

3. Pandemonium

4. Hedone

5. The Reveling Dreams

6. The Offering

2. From Depths

Remember the first eons
Oceans overlayed the earth
Origin of all, world of darkness
Abyss of horror from depths

The cosmic horror is sleeping under the surface
Degenerate cult remember of his sleep
The are waiting for the stars to be at the right place
A vodoum night under the moonlight
Celebrations of the deep ones!

Dead, under the oceans
Waiting, peuplant vos reves
DAGON, de profondis profonde
R'LEGH, dwelling from depths

Mythos & Music: Apocalyptic Visions

Apocalyptic Visions 

Leave None Living (2008 LP)

1. Leave None Living

2. All Shall Fall

3. Move and Appear

4. Destruction Ritual

5. Warship

6. Abyssal Plains

7. Eight Arms

8. Enemy

9. Extinction Level Event

10. Erase the Earth

11. Tearing Heaven Out of the Sky

12. Magnificent Descent to the Infernal Chambers of Hell

13. Ceratathoa Imbricita

14. Tambores De Guerra

15. Parasite Rex

16. I Want You Dead

17. Funeral Furnace