viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

Mythos & Music: Aarni

Demo 2001

2. The Black Keyes (Of R'lyeh)


Five hundred years has gone since I summoned thee, I learnt all thy lore and made everyone worship me.

The Picatrix of Dee, which thou didst give to me, made me grow tentacles and helped me conquer eternity.


The Black Keyes of R'lyeh and Cthulhu arise, bring about your glory and our imminent demise,

The Black Keyes of yore rising from the sea, give me true power as promised by Johnny Dee!


Now thou art dead, yet I live forevermore. I became the shoggoth-master and Deep Ones hold me in awe.

"Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest", Paracelsus stands by my side because I resurrected him.


The Black Keyes of R'lyeh and Cthulhu arise, bring about your glory and our imminent demise,

The Black Keyes of yore rising from the sea, give me true power as promised by Johnny Dee!


"O spiritus Itnaal et Cthulhu! Accipite sacrificium ut nihil contra me et contra clavem nigrem valeat sera ubi ista clavis ponetur."


The Black Keyes of R'lyeh and Cthulhu arise!


"Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest".

4. Persona Mortuae Cutis (orig. "Dead Skin Mask" by Slayer)


'Yog-Sothoth est clavis portaque'

Cum primis digitis cutem mulceo; bladus carnis mortuae frigidaeque mihi placet
Imagines provocatives, fili delicati, odos placitus in face Lunae

Salta cum mortuis in mei somnis, aures praebe clamoribus cavatis
Mortui animam meam ceperunt; temptamen curam perdiderunt

Risus simplices lumina psychotica eludant, amitte totam curam animae
Ratio de-clinat, lumina vociva creationes capiunt

Salta cum mortuis in mei somnis, aures praebe clamoribus cavatis
Mortui animam meam ceperunt; temptamen curam perdiderunt

Cum primis digitis cutem mulceo; bladus carnis mortuae caldae rationes pacificat
Membri incisi me ornant, cutem ante me adulor

Salta cum mortuis in mei somnis, aures praebe clamoribus cavatis
Mortui animam meam ceperunt; temptamen curam perdiderunt


'Yog-Sothoth est clavis portaque'.

Aarni / Umbra Nihil (2002 split)

1. Ubbo-Sathla

"...For Ubbo-Sathla is the source and the end. Before the coming of
Zhothaqquah or Yok-Zothoth or Kthulhut from the stars, Ubbo-Sathla dwelt in
the steaming fens of the newmade Earth: a mass without head or members,
spawning the grey, formless efts of the prime and the grisly prototypes of
terrene life... And all earthly life, it is told, shall go back at last
through the great circle of time to Ubbo-Sathla." - The Book of Eibon

5. Reaching Azathoth


"That last amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and
bubbles at the center of all infinity - the boundless daemon sultan
Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in
inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time amidst the muffled, maddening
beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes." -
H.P. Lovecraft

Duumipeikon Paluu (2002 demo)

5. Reaching Azathoth

Tohcoth (2008 LP)

1. Coniuratio Sadoquae


To you, Great Unnamable
The sign of the Black Stars
and the Sigil of toad-shaped Tsathoggua

The summit of knowledge is to know nothing
and the reward of sin is life

Thus we travel to the stars

3. Riding Down The Miskatonic On A Dead Thing

Omnimantia (2008 EP)

03. This is Not a Mask

 We seek the face behind the masks of existence and non-existence
Yet, behind the innermost mask, we find stark emptiness.

Yet...this is not a mask

In this masquerade we wear masks over our masks
Yet, behind the innermost mask, we find stark emptiness.

Yet...this is not a mask

The King In Yellow in us asks:
"Can you see the masquerade for the masks?"

Yet...this is not a mask
You are now free



07. Lovecraft Knew


Every man is an island, an island of ignorance; it was not meant that we should voyage far. Islands of ignorance...

We are a mere horde of apes (bunch of simian fucks) and it was not meant that we should voyage far; our emptiness screams at the very stars.

Under the rule of the Great Old Ones

Frosty from the interstellar void undescribable presences loom overhead; liberated mankind fucking and killing in mirth.

Under the rule of the Great Old Ones

Their titanic masses tip our planet's axis; cyclopean storms and monstrous waves come crashing.

Under the rule of the Great Old Ones

At last tectonic convulsions mark the end of terrene life.

Under the rule of the Great Old Ones

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