jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

Mythos & Music: After Death

After Death (USA)      http://www.myspace.com/afterdeath
Vibrations (2000 EP)



3.Jesus Will Weep Again

4.Invocation to Cthulhu

5.Temple of Cthulhu

6.Cthullha's Astral Mix - b.tr.

Retronomicon (2007 best of/compilation)

1.The Calling / Lords of The Black Path

2.As Below So Above

3.The Star Chamber of Isis

4.The Secret Cycle

5.Birth/Death Intro


7.Astral Staircase

8.Reviving The Gods

9.Consumed By Fire / Sulphur, Mercury And Salt

10.Darkness Intro


12.Jesus Will Weep Again

13.Invocation to Cthulhu

14.Temple of Cthulhu

3. The Star Chamber of Isis

Priests of Heliopolis, Holders of the Secret Feast, Embalmers of the Ancient Sect, Perform the Holy Rite of Death.
The Veil that holds the Holy Gem, In the blackened land of Khem, Taken from the Pharoah's brain, Leads you to the Astral Realm.

Behold I dwell within The Star Chamber of Isis
Beneath my feet is the sandy silt of the Sacred Nile

It's halls are long and narrow, with corridors that gleam. It's walls are like silver, that illuminate this Holy Place.
As I approach the entrance, to the chamber within. I give the secret sign, to the guarded door.

Behold I dwell within The Star Chamber of Isis
Beneath my feet is the sandy silt of the Sacred Nile

I come into the presence, of the Ancient Gods. I ask them to bestow on me, their wisdom, power and seed.
I feel their energy pulsing, in my heart and veins. As the sleeping serpent, travels to my brain.

The wisdom that they gave me, the visions I did see. The gateway to the soul, now I have The Key!

4. The Secret Cycle

The end of an era, the Sign of The Fish, as the cosmic wheel turns through the vast Universe.
The secret 13th sign appears in the sky, Ophiuchus Serpent Holder will return again.
The date is set in stone monuments, from many cultures around the world.
The calendar ends, but not as time. A new cycle begins, as The Aeon arrives.

From the Western Ocean the Dragon appears, as he emerges from his watery womb.
Lightning strikes as tides rise, volcanoes burst as the earth cracks.
The skies will open, as the sun disappears, in an infinite void.
The stars will rain down, upon the black earth, when Typhon takes his throne once again!

The Ancients have returned to take their place, as they enter the Crimson Gates, to travel to the world through the spaces inbetween.
Emerging through the angles that are unseen, freed from their dark abyss, awaken from the cosmic depths of space.
Come to wreak havoc on the human race, the Stellar Cult takes it's place, when the Stars align on that fateful night.
As the Aeon of Osiris dies, and a new one begins, resurrected from the past again.

From the Western Ocean the Dragon appears, as he emerges from his watery womb.
Lightning strikes as tides rise, volcanoes burst as the earth cracks.
The skies will open, as the sun disappears, in an infinite void.
The stars will rain down, upon the black earth, when Typhon takes his throne once again!

The Great Old Ones, from The Book of Dead Names, are called forth, by the Typhonian Cult.
Ophidian Current is raised, through the Secret Formula. The Gods take shape, out of the Primordial Chaos.
Yog Sothoth appears, as Master of Himself - Nyarlathotep appears, in the name of Creeping Chaos.
Cthulhu appears, from the deepest abyss - Hastur appears, from The Star Orion
Shub-Niggurath appears, goat of a thousand young - Azathoth appears, Blind God without End.

The 13th tribe comes forth, a new race begins, as an old one ends.
The Gods now take posession, of what was once theirs, from The Beginning and until The End.

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